While the need for a business to plan for the departure of an owner and to have appropriate legal agreements in place may seem self-evident, a high percentage of businesses do not have any such arrangements in place. Brien Leibinger Lawyers can help. We’ll explain the issues involved and the options available and then prepare the relevant plans and agreements, for seamless business and/or farm succession.
When two or more people own a business together they need to ensure that they have the arrangements in place that provide what is to happen if one leaves due to retirement and ill health or it becomes untenable for them to run the business together.
The arrangements that deal with those possibilities can be part of an agreement that also deals with other matters such as the management of the business (e.g. a shareholders agreement, partnership agreement etc.) or they can form a stand-alone agreement that just deals with the departure of an owner for one of the reasons previously mentioned.
Whatever form the arrangements take, they should be agreed and documented while none of the owners are under pressure. This will ensure that each of the owners has equal bargaining power at that time. Unless there is an agreement that deals with the above possibilities, any of the following are likely to occur:
Agreeing on the necessary arrangements to avoid those consequences is neither prohibitively expensive nor overly difficult.
Brien Leibinger Lawyers Can Help
We are able to explain the options and issues to business owners and then, once all necessary information has been reviewed, prepare the relevant agreement for signing.
Many business owners have worked for years to build up their business and a lot of their wealth can be tied up in the business. The income from the business is often the major or sole income source to support the owner and their family. How will the owner and their family cope if they no longer receive that income or are unable to extract the wealth from the business to generate replacement income?
Brien Leibinger Lawyers are experienced with advising and assisting with business succession planning. If you need help in regards to this contact us today on (07) 4225 5420 or info@leibingerlawyers.com.au